Gran Paradiso National Park – Italy, August 2013

On my last day in Italy last week, the organizers recommended me to take a bus to a nearby national park, Gran Paradiso. Spent a full day there, it’s a breathtakingly beautiful place. Here are a few B&W shots.

(Curious observation – the walking speed of a hiker with a camera is 1 km per hour. Assuming of course that said hiker is me, desperately trying to photograph everything around him. I was also using a new lens for the very first time – or rather an old, Olympus OM 50mm/1.8 lens, which gives a focal length of 100mm on my camera. It’s manual focus only, and so it took quite some time to figure out.

Curious observation No. 2 – no matter how much I tried, I didn’t manage to take a single good wide angle shot of the entire scene – which is the very thing which takes your breath away there; the nature was simply too big to fit into the lens [or the lens was too small, but I think I’d rather blame the nature 🙂 ]

These are more or less in the order in which they were taken.

Creature of the woods
Creature of the woods

Fairy ringFairy glade

Bauhaus in the woods

Pale beauty
Pale beauty

The Valnontey river


Stone assorty
Stone assorty

Imitating A.A.
Imitating A.A. (ehm, yes, I know, rather horribly immodest. I didn’t say imitating successfully, just – imitating. And this is the closest I got to capturing a bit of the scale of things out there)

Waterfall of Lillaz
Waterfall of Lillaz

The moment it falls
The moment it falls


That’s it, see you next time!

15 thoughts on “Gran Paradiso National Park – Italy, August 2013

  1. Apart from being a remarkable pianist, you also have an eye for capturing the real beauty of things. Congratulations, Boris, and all the best for you!

    • I probably wouldn’t have taken the photo without her – she’s the photo’s subject more or less; or rather the combination of her, lit from the back, on a rock shelf, facing the waterfall, with the waterfall itself and the surrounding rock formations.

      More or less 😛

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